
COSYLAB Laboratorij Za Kontrolne Sisteme d.d.
Cosylab (Cosylab Control System Laboratory d.d.) is a global technology company that builds and integrates state-of-the-art software and electronics for the world’s most complex, precise and advanced systems. It enables research organizations to discover scientific breakthroughs, hospitals to deliver better cancer treatment and organizations to improve their performance. Cosylab has more than 100 researchers, who are active in research on nuclear and particle physics, theoretic physics, control systems, medical software, medical products for proton therapy, communication, IoT, and space technologies. Cosylab also has a total of 4 registered patents. Cosylab works in a field that is highly demanding and requires the delivery of high performance control infrastructures which is fundamental to the success of experimental physics research projects. Past and present projects include some of the largest international physics projects, CERN, ESS, ITER, FAIR, ALMA, SNS, ESO and ESA.

Jožef Stefan Institute
JSI is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. It has a total of around 1000 staff. It plays the role of a national research institute, complementing the role of the universities and bridging the gap between science and industry. Computer Systems Department with interdisciplinary team of researchers (computer science and informatics, electrical engineering, mathematics, physics) is specialised in theoretical and practical aspects of artificial intelligence, machine learning, advanced optimization, and hardware implemented algorithms. The research results are implemented within applications for production, transport, energy, bioinformatics, and health. The Department participates in several international project consortia within the programmes of H2020, and ECSEL JU as well as in national industrial projects.

TPV trženje in proizvodnja opreme vozil d.o.o.
TPV AUTOMOTIVE d.o.o. is a development supplier in the automotive industry. We develop and manufacture products that have a significant impact on vehicle dynamics, safety, ecology and driving comfort, as well as implement new technical solutions for electric vehicles (EV).