
Beyond Vision LDA
As an SME, Beyond Vision (BEV) is focused on developing fully autonomous vehicles, and enabling technologies (AI, secure radio communications, collision avoidance, etc). We currently have products in three main areas: SmartCameras, UAVs (hexacopters and VTOLs) and RTK. We also develop an open platform for asset management with separate modules for specific solutions (precision farming, autonomous car testing, payload delivery, etc). BEV headquarters are near the city of Aveiro, with offices near Lisbon and Porto, strategically located near the top engineering universities in Portugal.

GS Lda.
IoT motivated, aiming to contribute to this fast evolving arena with new products on smart city applications and security, in an increasingly cyber-physical world. Founded in 2011, an enterprise focused business plan specifically intent on delivering a new generation of tools for the design and evaluation of wireless systems and developing innovative solutions for future emerging communications.
R&D on 5G Security
– End-user/mobile centric intrusion detection mechanisms
– Secure network coding
– Lightweight Privacy-Preserving OAuth2-based protocol for Smart City mobile apps

Instituto de Telecomunicações
RTO with core expertise in design and implementation of diverse security schemes and mechanisms for communication systems, including its integration
▪ Cybersecurity solutions designed for wireless systems, optimized or customized to specific use cases, applications and scenarios according to identified requirements and security threats
▪ Group of researchers with expertise in secure, reliable and efficient wireless communication solutions and respective techniques
▪ End-to-end security, including key management and distribution schemes, lightweight privacy-preserving authentication mechanisms, and intrusion detection and prevention systems
▪ Networking labs with testbeds and multiple IoT devices prototypes, including wearables, some of which resulting from previous European R&I projects

PDMFC (PDM) is a Portuguese SME, currently with offices in 12 countries, developing products in multiple domains, both software and hardware. We have invested heavily in the last 10 years in the fields of CyberSecurity, AI, and Drone development. We work with several Government organizations, Portuguese Cyber Security Agency, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA), telecoms, financial institutions, among many other large customers. We also manage critical services like Public Key Infrastructures for certification authorities, several CSIRTs at national level and develop Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Intelligence tools that allow large companies to secure their assets (physical and logical) as well as allow LEAs to investigate cyber-crimes and efficiently gather evidences. Two of our most successful products are: SPA, an IAM Platform that authenticates, authorizes and continuously monitor users’ operations. It provides real-time alerts and automatic mitigation procedures, based on a set of criteria defined by the security policies of the company, and CHIMERA, a solution designed to safeguard access to data, enforce data privacy and simplify data sharing. It provides the anonymization of data. The information can be collected, processed, transformed and filtered, in order to discard what is not relevant, anonymizing sensitive data in order to comply with legal requirements (GDPR).

KoalaTech (KT) is a young and dynamic European startup high-tech company created in October 2018 as a spinoff from Nova University of Lisbon and with the support of an investment fund (SMENT Digital), focused on the design of Radio Frequency transmitters to solve the lack of energy efficiency and security on wireless communications systems (5G and Wi-Fi 6), both public and military. KT’s mission is to reduce the huge amount of wasted energy in present and future wireless communications, contributing both for reducing the operational costs and achieve eco-sustainability in telecommunications. KT’s QDA (Quantized Digital Amplification) technology, is a new disruptive digital to analog converter with a Power Amplifier (PA) structure that permits an efficiency up to 75% in transmitters devices with a broad spectrum of application, from actual 4G and Wi-fi, to the new 5G, Wi-fi 6 and wired communications, together with physical layer security if needed.